A Dark Foliage Astilbe For the Sun or Shade
Astilbe Dark Side of the Moon

Ruby Spice Summersweet
A Deer Resistant Shrub With Pink Flowers

Butterfly Weed
How to Grow Butterfly Weed

The Winter Flowering Hybrid Witchhazel Plant
Create a Winter Wonderland with This Unique Small Tree

Virginia Sweetspire
A Low-Maintenance Shrub for Wet Areas

The Fizzy Mizzy® Virginia Sweetspire Shrub
Feed the Bees with This Beautiful Shade Shrub

Love Child® Virginia Sweetspire
A Small, Compact, Versatile Shrub

Walker’s Low Catmint
Long Blooming Bliss

Dwarf Japanese Cedar
Looking for a no-mess plant?

Snow Chan Camellia: Winter Blooming Evergreen Shrub
Large Pure White Flowers

Spring's Promise, A Japanese Camellia for Zones 6-9
Single Rose-Red Flowers

Winter's Beauty Camellia: A Cold-Hardy Hybrid for Zones 6-9
Clear Pink Flowers

ShiShi Gashira Camellia: A Timeless Beauty
Stunning Pink Camellia Landscaping

Discover the Cold-Hardy Charm of the Korean Fire Camellia
Red Camellia Landscaping for the Winter Garden

The Elegant Winter-Flowering Lady Clare Camellia
Award Winning Japanese Camellia Landscaping

Centennial Blush Star Magnolia
A Small and Compact Spring Flowering Tree

The Pink Flowering Berenice Boddy Japanese Camellia
Pink Camellia Flowers

The Vibrant, Winter-Flowering Pink Icicle Camellia
Vibrant Winter Flowers

Cavatine Japanese Andromeda
A Compact Evergreen for Pots, Planters, and Containers

Flaming Silver Japanese Andromeda
Variegated Leaves and a Silvery Sheen