A Dark Foliage Astilbe For the Sun or Shade
Astilbe Dark Side of the Moon
The Elegant Oakleaf Hydrangea
Flowers, Fall Color, and Winter Interest
Ruby Spice Summersweet
A Deer Resistant Shrub With Pink Flowers
Butterfly Weed
How to Grow Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Garden for Kids
Free Landscape Design Plan
The Winter Flowering Hybrid Witchhazel Plant
Create a Winter Wonderland with This Unique Small Tree
Virginia Sweetspire
A Low-Maintenance Shrub for Wet Areas
The Fizzy Mizzy® Virginia Sweetspire Shrub
Feed the Bees with This Beautiful Shade Shrub
Love Child® Virginia Sweetspire
A Small, Compact, Versatile Shrub
Walker’s Low Catmint
Long Blooming Bliss
Fort Hill Creeping Phlox
Fill Your Spring Garden with Pretty Lavender-blue Flowers
Bald Cypress
A Prehistoric, Ancient Beauty
Dwarf Japanese Cedar
Looking for a no-mess plant?
Clematis Hyde Hall™
Ginormous White Flowers
Clematis Chevalier™
A Profusion of Purple
Mountain Hydrangea
The Tougher Hydrangea
Appalachian Red Redbud Tree
Neon Pink Spring Flowers
First Editions® Eclipse® Bigleaf Hydrangea
Dark Mode for the Goth Garden
Smooth Hydrangea
Native Beauty
Discover the Beauty of Yoshino Cherry Trees
Iconic Spring Blooms